Monday, January 27, 2014

Natural Phenomenon: Dry Season Impact of Rainfall La Nina


Although nowadays most of Indonesia is in a period of drought, but extreme weather actually hit several regions in the country. High-intensity rainfall accompanied by strong winds has triggered the occurrence of floods, landslides and lunge tornado in several areas should be dry due to ongoing dry weather.

The high rainfall during the dry season is a lot of benefit to many farmers who experienced famine in the previous year due to drought, because of the rain in this dry season of planting and harvesting them become more numerous. Rain in the dry season also provide many benefits such as adequacy of water supply needs for communities in areas that normally experience water shortages during the dry season. Although it is recognized that these conditions would likely lead to large losses for salt, and tobacco farmers, who expect the presence of plenty of sun in summer.


Such violations that trigger the occurrence of climate extremes in dry weather can not be separated from several factors such as rainfall controlling overheating in sea surface temperatures in Indonesian waters. Increasing sea surface temperatures in the waters of Indonesia caused more intensive process of evaporation and cloud formation that caused a lot of rain. In addition to sea surface temperature, extreme weather conditions in most parts of Indonesia in recent years due to La Nina phenomenon of global factors. La Nina causes buildup of air mass that contains a lot of water vapor in the atmosphere of Indonesia, so the potential for rain cloud formation becomes higher. As a result of the months in mid 2010 which should take place now instead drought torrential rains in various areas.

La Nina is a global natural phenomenon characterized by the condition of sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean waters under normal values (cold), while sea surface temperature conditions in the waters of Indonesian Maritime Continent was above normal values (warm). La Nina phenomena can be known from the value of sea surface temperature anomaly in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. La Nina is the opposite of El Nino is a phenomenon of rising sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean waters that affects the occurrence of long dry season and the length in Indonesia.

As opposed to the natural phenomenon of El Nino, La Nina during the sea surface temperature in the waters of the Pacific Ocean will become cold. Cooling sea surface temperatures will lead to high air pressure. Indonesian territory which lies west of the Pacific will experience a low air pressure caused by warming sea surface temperature in the vicinity. The condition causes air masses from the Pacific will flow into Indonesia that resulted in converging air masses rich in moisture, then the chances of rain in the Indonesian area becomes larger. The trend was the emergence of this phenomenon has been observed since the beginning of the dry 2010.

The prediction results Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) and several monitoring agencies such as NOAA weather world (USA), BOM (Australia), Jamstec (Japan) showed the presence of negative sea surface temperature anomaly. On August until September 2010 been predicted La Nina phenomenon moderate, while in October 2010 until January 2011 will be a strong La Nina phenomenon.

La Nina phenomenon has affected the weather conditions in the atmosphere of Indonesia since early August 2010. When that time most of Indonesia is entering the dry season, but the fact still remains rain fell sporadically in various areas. Incidence of drought is the case rain makes the dry period in 2010 dubbed a wet dry. Based on data from monitoring results BMKG rainfall in various regions showed that rainfall during July and August 2010 over 50 mm per day. This means that almost most of Indonesia is experiencing rainfall with increasing frequency.


According to the wet dry note in Indonesia, the weather in 2010 is the most extreme conditions during the last 12 years. Monitoring data in Indonesian waters, sea surface temperature indicate that the La Nina in 2010 causing temperatures to most warm Indonesian waters during the last 12 years. La Nina has caused climate impacts in the form of significant deviations.

The phenomenon of overheating in sea surface temperature is almost uniform in all regions of Indonesia is similar to the climate condition in 1998. But when viewed in intensity, sea surface temperatures seem much higher in Indonesian waters. The divergence of the current climate could be said unique because in addition to the most extreme deviation, overheating in sea surface temperatures in the waters of Indonesia take place evenly.

Activity associated with La Nina, then the prediction BMKG indicate that extreme weather will still take place and hit the majority of the Indonesian territory until the end of this year. This prediction is based on the data of sea surface temperature Indonesian waters would continue to warm up to the moon in December 2010. Meanwhile predicted La Nina phenomenon will continue to dominant until March 2011 onwards towards neutral conditions in April 2011.

Some predictions are based on data and scientific facts mentioned above, all the more affirming a conclusion about the presence of La Nina this year, so every effort in to face the impact of the presence of La Nina weather extremes need to be prepared as early as possible. Public urged to improve disaster preparedness in the face of extreme weather impacts that may occur in the region occurred .***

1. What are the benefits of the high rainfall during the dry season?
2. What is La Nina?
3. What is the opposite of La Nina?
4. La Nina can be known from....
5. Incidence of drought is the case rain makes....

Drama Script: The Dream

Cast of Characters

FARHAN ICHSAN – lost person with only an address and no memory of anything else

GEMA AKBAR – a person to be feared who is the only one who can guide FARHAN

FEBBRY ANDIKA – a friendly and concerned person who befriends FARHAN

ELLANIA R. – an angry individual who is annoyed easily

FERDI ENDINANDA – quick to get into other people’s business

FADHILA DEWI – complains about everything and everyone

DINDA RISZA – an overly friendly person who is upset by harsh words

INSANI RAMADHAN – willing to cast a dark shadow on any situation

Scene 1

(Farhan is suddenly awake, he’s afraid, he run to knock Gemma’s bed, he’s lost. He don’t know any way to home)

GEMA:Who's that? What's with knocking my bed?


GEMA:You quiet yourself.

FARHAN:I'm sorry. Please go back to sleep.

GEMA:Don't you start telling me what to do. You done plenty already.

FARHAN: It was an accident.

ELLA:Will you shut up?!

FERDI: Who's yelling?

FADHILA: Hey, man. Go to sleep. There's other people around here you know.

GEMA:Yeah, I know. So shut your trap.

FARHAN: Please, all of you, go back to sleep.

FEBBRY: Who's the fancy talker? I bet he wears a tie?

GEMA: I don't see none on him. He lucky. I would a used it to strangle him.

FARHAN: I'm sorry. I just need a place to sleep.

GEMA: There ain't none here.

FEBBRY: You got two blankets. Why don't you give him one?

GEMA: What with you? You take a liking to him?

FEBBRY: Well, he ain't got no tie.

GEMA: And I ain't got no blanket. So go somewhere else.

FARHAN: I'll go. It's okay.

DINDA: You can always sleep in this blanket, I got two blankets anyway.

INSANI: What're you talking about? You always feel cold. You're the one who needs two blankets.

DINDA: Careful what you say, I might cry.

FADHILA: Oh, man. Last time she cry, she wouldn't shut up all night.

FARHAN: Everyone, please. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble.

GEMA: You too late. You already did. Now, you have to pay.

DINDA: (Almost a whisper) Be gentle with him.

GEMA: Shut up, woman!

ELLA: Why don't you?! I'm tryin' to sleep here.
(Silence. GEMA crosses to ELLA's ad he point at him) What do you want?!

GEMA: No one mouths off at me.

ELLA: Too late, I already did. (In a quick motion, GEMA tips the blanket, kicks ELLA, and pins him to the floor with his foot. FARHAN tries to escape during this but is caught by FERDI and FADHILA. FERDI and FADHILA push FARHAN roughly into a sitting position on a blanket. Once again everything is still again)
GEMA: What you say to me, girl?

ELLA: Nothing, nothing at all.

GEMA: And what you say to me later?

ELLA: Nothing.

FERDI: (Holding FARHAN) We got this one.

FADHILA: What you gonna do with him?

GEMA: (Crosses to FARHAN, grabs his face roughly and makes FARHAN look up at him) Does I scare you?

FARHAN: (Softly) Yes.

GEMA: (Smiles, still holding him, looking into his eyes) It's that look I love. I loves it more than women. And you's got it. (He roughly releases FARHAN. Others leave him alone and go to the corners to converse. GEMA sits on his blanket. FEBBRY goes to FARHAN)

FEBBRY: Hi, there.


FEBBRY: My name's Febbry. (Holds out hand. They shake)

FARHAN: Farhan.

FEBBRY: I think Gema is very nice person.

FARHAN: I think you're wrong.

FEBBRY: He's not as bad as he looks. He's really a pussy cat deep down.

FARHAN: Yeah, with long claws, long teeth, and rabies.

FEBBRY: Oh, you’re funny. We can be friends.

FARHAN: Where am I?

INSANI(Joins them): You're down, man. You're at the end of existence.

FEBBRY: He exaggerates.

INSANI: You eg-za-der-dates if you's saying otherwise.

FARHAN: I was told to come here. At least, I think so. (Takes out paper) Here's the address. (FEBBRY is silent when he sees paper)

INSANI: That's bad man. Real bad.


INSANI: That place.

FARHAN: Then this isn't it?

INSANI: This place is far from it, man. This is Disneyland to that.

FARHAN: Maybe I shouldn't go.

FEBBRY: You have to.

FARHAN: Who will take me there, then?

FEBBRY: Gema can take you.

FARHAN: Gema? Why him?

INSANI: That's a bad place. Only Gema goes there. (To FEBBRY) They say he's from that neighborhood.

FEBBRY: If that's possible.

FARHAN: Can it be that bad?

INSANI: Where you comin' from, man? Don't you know nothin' about this neighborhood?

FARHAN: This is all new to me.

INSANI: It better be unnew and fast or you's gonna lose yourself here.

FEBBRY: That place where you're going...


FEBBRY: It's dangerous... cops don't even go there.

INSANI: And when Gema goes, he don't bring no one back.

FEBBRY: You didn't have to tell him that.

INSANI: It's the truth, isn’t it?

FARHAN: I'm free, aren't I? I just won't go. I'll stay here. That's easy enough.

INSAN: You forget. Gema won't let you. You're stuck.

FARHAN: Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

INSANI: Hey, he catches on quick.

FEBBRY: Not quick enough I'm afraid.

FARHAN: Won't Gema help me through?

INSANI: Gema? Help? Those words don't go, man. Gema would sooner see you hurt than helped. That's his way.

FARHAN: I may as well go alone then.

FEBBRY: Gema would go anyway. It’s his job. You may as well go with him.

INSANI: You stick with Gema in that neighborhood, man. You'll be glad you did. With them the way they are there, he'll be your best friend.

FARHAN: I don't understand any of this. What is this stupid address? I don't want to go, but what else can I do? There's nothing behind me. There's nothing here. The only thing I have is this address.

INSANI: Keep what you got. It could be worse… but not much. (Moment of silence. GEMA gets up and puts on a jacket. GEMA crosses over to them. INSANI sees him and crosses away. FARHAN and FEBBRY notice GEMA when INSANI leaves)

GEMA (To FARHAN): You coming?

FEBBRY: You'd better go.

GEMA: Show me your paper.

FARHAN: Paper?

GEMA: (Louder and sharper) The address!

(FARHAN quickly gives it to him)

GEMA: (Laughs darkly) Bad place. What's a fancy talking little wuss like you doing in a neighborhood like this?

FARHAN: Someone gave me the address. I don't remember them saying anything else.

GEMA: Probably better that way.

FARHAN: What is this place anyway?

GEMA: That depends on you.

FARHAN: What is that supposed to mean?

GEMA: (Laughs) You see. What that they say. "Patience is a..." What's that word?

FARHAN: "Virtue."

GEMA: Yeah. You got to get yourself some of that.

FARHAN: I thought I had plenty before this.

GEMA: You find you got a lot less after. It’s time

FEBBRY: (Goes up to FARHAN) Keep safe.

GEMA: I ain't got the time!

FEBBRY: You'd better go.

FARHAN: Good-bye. Perhaps I'll be back this way again. (FEBBRY smiles sadly)

GEMA: You comin'? (FARHAN follows GEMMA,  FEBBRY watches sadly. INSANI glances reluctantly, but turns away. Lights fade to black)

(Finally GEMA leads Farhan to his home and Gema disappear right away. Farhan watches himself sleep on the bed, he stares quizically then sleep upon his body)

FARHAN: (wakes up with sweat and breathes pantingly) Oh! Thank God it was just a dream.